Venerarea procedurilor / Worship of procedures

Tradarea nu mai este pedepsita atunci cand este facuta conform procedurilor legale si constitutionale.

Sabotajul este finantat legal cand este executat de organizatii nonguvernamentale.

Propaganda (indobitocirea poporului) este legalizata prin finantarea prin reclame a mass-mediei “independente”.

Nu exista libertate fara independenta financiara. Guvernele nu sunt libere fiindca pentru a putea functiona sunt obligate sa se imprumute cu bani de la banci “independente” “publice” (independente de interesul poporului).

Ferengi sunt discriminati pozitiv prin garantarea “libertatii” comertului – piata libera – fata de gandire si fata de vointa poporului.

Situatia din Romania arata ca “independenta” puterilor este o perversiune; in orice Stat, orice putere trebuie sa dea socoteala in fata unui organism suprem. Statul este ologit prin sfaramarea puterii in puteri mici asa-zis “independente ‘ – statul de drept. “Independenta” puterilor (de interesul poporului, de a da socoteala in fata poporului) garanteaza protectia tradatorilor. La ce e buna “Domnia Legii” (in loc de Domnia Dreptatii) atunci cand legea e perversa, facuta pentru conducerea poporului de catre Ferengi, in interesul Ferengilor, impotriva intereselor poporului, cu complicitatea ignoranta a poporului?

Treason is no longer punishable when it is done according to legal and constitutional procedures.

Sabotage is legally funded when executed by non-governmental organizations.

Propaganda (dumbing down of the people) is legalized by commercializing the “independent” media. 

There is no freedom without financial independence. Governments are not free because they are forced to borrow money from “independent” “public” banks (independent of the people’s interest) in order to function.

Ferengi are positively discriminated by guaranteeing the “freedom” of trade – the free market – against reason and against the will of the people.

The situation in Romania shows that the “independence” (independence from the people’s interest, independence from to account to the people) of the powers is a perversion; in any State, any power must be accountable to a supreme body. The state power is crushed by the breaking of power into so-called “independent” powerless powers – the so-called  rule of law. The “independence” of the powers  guarantees the protection of the traitors. What good is to worship the “Rule of Law” (instead of the rule of Justice) when the law is perverse, made for the leadership of the people by the Ferengi (Ferengi Rule), in the interest of the Ferengi, against the interests of the people, with the ignorant complicity of the people?

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.” Marcus Tullius Cicero

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