12. Libertatea – nu poti dori ce nu cunosti, nu te poti pazi de ce nu stii. Explicatia aparitiei Califatului Islamic.

12. Libertatea – nu poti dori ce nu cunosti, nu te poti pazi de ce nu stii. Explicatia aparitiei Califatului Islamic.

Anjem Choudary, Londra: Cred ca asistam la implinirea profetiei lui Mohammed – salalahu alayhi wasallam Pacea si binecuvantarea lui Allah fie asupra sa! – Profetul a spus: Allah mi-a aratat Estul Estului si Vestul Vestului si autoritatea mea asupra intregii aceastei comunitati supra-nationale. Cred deci ca intr-o buna zi legea Sharia va fi introdusa si in Rusia, si in China si in America. Nu exista – ca sa spunem asa – nici un fel de intelegere permanenta intre Statul Islamic si orice alta natiune care se guverneaza dupa legi non-islamice. Poate exista insa un armistitiu temporar cu acele popoare care nu sunt inamici ai Musulmanilor. Cu siguranta insa, ca urmare a agresiunii Americanilor, Britanicilor si a altora nu va exista niciodata nici un fel de tratat cu aceste popoare. Cred ca pana in cele din urma vor fi cucerite. Si pot sa va mai spun ceva, ca istoria Statului Islamic – de fapt, daca privesti inainte de asta, Statul Islamic a fost distrus de mana Francezilor si Britanicilor, prin intermediul slugoiului lor – Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, in 1924. Si, de asemenea, Lord Curzon -ministrul de externe britanic din acea perioada – a spus “am distrus puterea Musulmanilor, i-am distrus”. Acum vedem re-aparitia Califatului, vedem o noua ordine mondiala. In cele din urma, avem un Stat in care Musulmanii instaureaza Sharia, un stat care din nou a inceput sa creasca si, daca Allah va voi asta, intreaga lume va fi guvernata de Sharia.

Anjem Choudary: I believe that what we are seeing is the fulfilment of the prophecy of the messenger Mohammed salalahu alayhi wasallam [peace be upon him]. The Prophet said that Allah showed me the East of the East and the West of the West, and the authority of my Ummah was over the whole of it. So I believe that one day the Sharia will be implemented in Russia and in China and America. There is no, if you like, permanent treaty between the Islamic State and any nation which is implementing non-Islamic law. There could be a temporary ceasefire with those people who are not enemies to the Muslims. But definitely, because of the aggression of the Americans, and the British and others, there will never be a treaty with these people. I think eventually they will be conquered. And I can tell you another thing – that the history of the Islamic State, if you look at it before – in fact, the Islamic State was destroyed at the hands of the French and the British, with their own stooge Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, in 1924. And you know, Lord Curzon, the British Foreign Minister at that time, said that “we have killed the strength of the Muslims, destroyed it”. Now we see the re-emergence of the Khilafah [Caliphate], we can see a new world order. Finally, we have a state where the Muslims are implementing Sharia, and it is expanding once more, and inshallah all the world will be governed by the Sharia.
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